Fall musical workshops teach students about theatre, dance, music

FrannieCihunka To take necessary safety precautions, the annual fall musical was canceled this year. However, the fine arts are still alive this semester. The three directors of Marian productions, Mr. Michael McCandless, Mrs. Michelle Delisi, and Ms. Lauren Morrissey, knew they needed to give the students some theatre experience. In place of an entire production,… Read More Fall musical workshops teach students about theatre, dance, music

The National Basketball Association designs a solution to play professional basketball, the NBA bubble

SophieStevens When the coronavirus entered into the United States, sports were always a question. The National Basketball Association and many other sports were suspended on March 11, 2020. When sports and school were getting cancelled, COVID-19 became very real. Further into quarantine, many questioned the future of sports. A suggested solution was to try a… Read More The National Basketball Association designs a solution to play professional basketball, the NBA bubble

Attendance is expanded at events in Metro area, but is there a bias in high school sports?

SophiaVirgillito The attendance for a girls high school volleyball game is noticeably lower than a boys high school football game. Is this because football is such a popular sport originating in America? Is this because the teams’ roster size is bigger, increasing their fan base?  In the majority of high schools, most boys are given… Read More Attendance is expanded at events in Metro area, but is there a bias in high school sports?